
Worship at Church on the Mall is every Sunday at 11:00 a.m.  We gather on the first day of the week to give witness to the Resurrection.  Our services follow a typical Presbyterian format including prayers, confession, scripture, singing, and sermon. The congregational hymns have a blend of both traditional and modern songs.  Our Pastor Lori Kosinski, gives sermons that apply scripture to our everyday lives.  We often hear that during worship the Spirit's presence is evident in many ways.

We also have several special services throughout the year including Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Easter Sunrise, and Christmas Eve.  Throughout the year we are joined by guest musicians and enjoy weekly accompaniment by our pianist, Ms. Helen Keller Surman.

We practice two sacraments - baptism and communion.  Baptisms are performed as they are requested in conjunction with the Pastor.  Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of every month and at several special services throughout the year.   Our table is “open” to all and we invite everyone who believes in Jesus Christ to participate in the meal.